dimanche 29 mai 2011

Ce dont j'ai peur ce n'est pas vraiment de ne pas réussir, c'est plutôt de rater alors que je m'attendais à réussir.
Parfois je préfèrerais que mes parents me disent : "Aller rate-le, fait exprès, comme ça l'année prochaine sera la bonne".
Ce serait tellement plus simple.

samedi 28 mai 2011

A acheter

"Le livre à lire… pendant mes insomnies, Virginy L.Sam, Editions de l’Hèbe 2007
"le journal d'une femme de chambre", Octave Mirbeau
"Folles nuit", Joyce Carol Oates
"Voleur de cartes", Eduardo Lago

dimanche 15 mai 2011


There’s a look on your face I would like to knock out
See the sin in your grin and the shape of your mouth
All I want is to see you in terrible pain
Though we won’t ever meet I remember your name
Can’t believe you were once just like anyone else
Then you grew and became like the devil himself
Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say
But I don’t think I can so fuck you anyway
You are scum, you are scum and I hope that you know
That the cracks in your smile are beginning to show
Now the world needs to see that it’s time you should go
There’s no light in your eyes and your brain is too slow
Can’t believe you were once just like anyone else
Then you grew and became like the devil himself
Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say
But I don’t think I can, so fuck you anyway
Bet you sleep like a child with your thumb in your mouth
I could creep up beside put a gun in your mouth
Makes me sick when I hear all the shit that you say
So much crap coming out it must take you all day
There’s a space kept in hell with your name on the seat
With a spike in the chair just to make it complete
When you look at yourself do you see what I see
If you do why the fuck are you looking at me

Why the fuck are you looking on me mmmh
Why the fuck are you looking
Why the fuck why the fuck are you looking at me x2

There’s a time for us all and I think yours has been
Can you please hurry up cos I find you obscene
We can’t wait for the day that you’re never around
When that face isn’t here and you rot underground
Can’t believe you were once just like anyone else
Then you grew and became like the devil himself
Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say
But I don’t think I can so fuck you anyway

So fuck you anyway x11

vendredi 6 mai 2011


Je me retiens d'écrire, de dire.
Ca me prends encore le coeur c'est vrai.
Mais tout passe avec le temps.

lundi 2 mai 2011

Rouge Marie

M'avait-écrit :

"Ces mots, simples. La belle écriture, un peu comme la mienne, mais en plus mélodieuse. Je suis dans mon lit, maux de ventre fous, lit trempé par la fièvre. Maman arrive, me tend une carte. Je me demande si elle l'a lue. Elle est si belle que n'importe qui aurait envie de la lire. Ce n'est pas la photo qui donne envie, ce sont les mots. Ce n'est pas tant le paysage de cette carte postale que le paysage intérieur qui se dresse au fil de ma lecture. Un film, des images.


En 2009 je crois.